Selection Committee

About the Selection Committee
Nominated by the Council on Virginia Tech History's Public Art Committee, the Selection Committee is comprised of cross-disciplinary subject-matter experts. When evaluating proposal submissions, the Selection Committee examines the following in the development and design of the artwork:
- Consideration of the elements of the site as a source of design ideas
- Consideration of the area surrounding the artwork and its intended uses as described in this call
- Reflection of the university's/community's history, diversity, and cultural profile
- Demonstration of the intersecting relationship and influences from the white, Black, and Native American presence
- Contribution to the aesthetic beauty of the area, including elements of the Duck Pond, buildings, and landscape
- Its durability, stability, and suitability for the climate conditions, resistant to UV damage, and safe for public interaction
- Is accomplishable within the proposer’s preliminary cost projection
The Selection Committee
Bio ItemLiza Morris , bio
Assistant Vice President for Planning and University Architect
Bio ItemRuth Waalkes , bio
Associate Provost for the Arts and Executive Director of the Moss Arts Center
Bio ItemEllington Graves , bio
Associate Vice Provost for Inclusion and Diversity and Director of Africana Studies
Bio ItemAmy Helene Kirschke , bio
Director of the School of Visual Arts
Bio ItemMelissa Faircloth , bio
Director of the American Indian and Indigenous Community Center
Bio ItemTacie Jones , bio
iPh.D. Student at Virginia Tech
Bio ItemSteve Bickley , bio
Professor Emeritus, School of Visual Arts